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A La Carte (April 1)


Today has the biggest list of Kindle deals I have seen in a very long time. Have at it! Also check out Amazon’s monthly general market Kindle book deals.

(Yesterday on the blog: My New Book & Documentary Are Now Available!)

I Didn’t Know I Loved You Like This

Glenna Marshall expresses some of the grief most of us are feeling as we remain distanced from our churches.

Deaths Delayed

Carl Trueman writes about the church in this time of crisis. “As #MeToo has led the Hollywood elite to realize that their sex-as-recreation gospel was falsehood, so the coronavirus reality has made implausible that comforting thought of Cicero, that no man is so old that he does not think he will live for another year. This should remind the church of her priorities. ‘Redeeming the arts’ doesn’t seem quite so urgent when your immediate problem is not that of obtaining tickets to the Met but of potentially dying before the box office reopens after the COVID-19 crisis.”

Small Group Does not Have to Stop Because of Lockdown!

A new streaming service, Redeem TV, has been launched to help families and churches facing lockdown. Redeem TV is a free, donor-supported, streaming service that allows people to access dozens of small group studies, including Christianity Explored and more. Groups can watch a session together from their homes and then discuss with each other via a discussion forum on the site or other modes of communication. (SPONSORED LINK)

Everyone Does What They’re Told, But No One Knows Why

This article aptly describes some of the confusion around the response to the coronavirus outbreak. “We want an explanation to bridge the gap between our lived experience of the crisis (most cases aren’t severe enough to justify missing a day of work under normal circumstances) and how we’re told to respond to it. But most of us also aren’t public health experts. It thus boils down to ‘the government seems to be taking it seriously, so I should too.’”

Vocation and the Epidemic

Gene Veith writes an article I had planned to write—about how we are now re-evaluating vocation in interesting ways. “The quarantine shutdowns have created a distinction between ‘essential’ and ‘non-essential’ workers, with the former being allowed to still work despite the quarantines and the latter being required to stay home. Someone made the observation that many of the ‘good jobs’ people went to college for turn out to be non-essential, whereas the lower-status blue-collar jobs turn out to be what’s really essential.”

What Discipleship Is… and Isn’t (Video)

I enjoyed this short video with my pal Chopo Mwanza. He discusses what discipleship is and is not.

Public Health and the Essential Nature of Worship

I’ve been looking for a thoughtful and biblical “dissenting opinion” on churches closing during this time (since I find my thinking is usually challenged by such dissenting opinions). I appreciate the argument Rob Morris makes here (which is not to say I agree with it!).

What’s Wrong With Gospel-Centered Preaching Today?

Preachers will want to check out the latest issue of the 9Marks Journal which is packed full of great articles.

Flashback: Imagine All Those Eyes…

There are lots of odd beings in the Bible, aren’t there? … But of all the mysterious creatures, none have more captured my imagination than the cherubim.

Dying well is one of the good works to which Christians are called, and Christ will enable us who serve him to die well, however gruesome the physical process itself.

—J.I. Packer

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