Modesty Matters: What Not To Wear

A couple of days ago I began a short series on modesty. It is not my intention that this series will say everything about modesty. Rather, I am trying to corral our thoughts and lead them in a specific direction and I think that direction will become clear today. I acknowledge in advance that this final entry in the series will inevitably be unsatisfying in some ways. But hang in there and I think you will see the value in thinking about modesty in this way. First, though, you may want to read The Heart of Modesty and Imperishable Beauty. Modesty Matters Yesterday we looked at two principles from 1 Peter 3:1-4. We saw that the crucial difference between immodesty and modesty is that the primary concern of one is being noticed while the primary concern of the other is God being noticed. There is a third principle we need to take from this text and it is a simple one: Modesty matters. Modesty makes a difference because God uses modesty to glorify himself. Peter begins this whole section by holding out a great possibility: “Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct.” He assures the women he is writing to that modesty matters because it allows them to put their Christian character on display. This Christian character can serve as a powerful form … Continue reading Modesty Matters: What Not To Wear