Why Young People Should Read

Today’s post is sponsored by Christian Focus Publications and written by Brent Corbin, Executive Director of Reformed Youth Ministries. Convincing young people that reading an actual book is a worthwhile use of their time is a tall task in our day and age. Whether it’s the ever-beckoning allure of technology, schedules that are chocked full of school, sports, and all kinds of other activities, or just a lack of desire, making the time to read an actual book seems like a practice for days gone by. But here’s the reality we must face: as useful as videos, podcasts and other technologies can be to the Church in 2022, Christianity is a religion of words. Our God is a God of words. He created through words, calls Himself the Living Word, and wrote a book filled with words to communicate to His children. In light of this, RYM continues to encourage pastors and parents everywhere to value the written word, and to seek to train the next generation to be readers of actual books with real words. The forced slowing-down, and unhurried nature of sitting with a book is a discipline worth re-cultivating in the lives of young people. The Track Series, a collaborative effort between RYM and Christian Focus Publishers is a great place to do this very thing. Written for students, the Track series addresses numerous topics in three primary areas: Doctrine, Culture, and the Christian Life. Track‘s booklets are theologically rich, accessible, and the perfect length to make actually finishing the book a … Continue reading Why Young People Should Read