A La Carte (April 19)

I hope that all of you who are at T4G this week are blessed and encouraged by the experience. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it for this one! Today’s Kindle deals include another good little list. (Yesterday on the blog: A Family Easter Update) If Ben Had Been There I love this one! Andrea imagines the resurrection if her son Ben had been there. “My son Ben has cognitive disabilities and very little language. But sometimes he intuitively understands what our ‘normal’ intelligence blinds us to. Our Easter celebration last weekend got me thinking: If Ben had been at the tomb that first Easter morning, things might have gone down a little differently….” Cultivating Wonder When You Feel Weary “The sin that so easily entangles, the limitations of my humanity and the circumstances I cannot control. These aren’t new. Nothing earth-shattering. Yet, a timely reminder of who I am and who He is. An invitation to turn away from self, toward an active trust in what He’s doing…and that’s something hard to see in the moment.” Introducing the Good Faith Debates A new five-part video debate series featuring prominent Christian thinkers discussing some of the most divisive issues facing the church today. (Sponsored Link) Dear Pastor … Rely on Your Congregation in Ministry There is lots of wisdom in this letter. “Brother, we need one another in ministry. You should not try to be an evangelical superman and by yourself direct all the principal tasks of the church. This posture will lead to disenchantment for both … Continue reading A La Carte (April 19)