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Explore Luke 10

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  • How We Worshipped

    How We Worshipped

    Every few weeks I like to share an example of one of our worship services from Grace Fellowship Church. I do this simply to provide an example of how one church structures our time of worship, hoping it will prove a helpful resource to others. This service’s cast of characters included Paul as the preacher,…

  • A La Carte (July 26)

    As mentioned yesterday, Amazon is updating the ways sites like mine may or may not link to their Kindle deals and remain in compliance with their affiliate program. For that reason I am trying some new options. I apologize for the inconvenience as I try to navigate this. Today’s Kindle deals include : Set Free…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The True Hero

    The story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10 is one of those accounts from the life of Jesus that is in danger of becoming cliché. And it will become that if we fail to see the true hero of the story. Luke sets up a contrast between two sisters: Mary and Martha. Jesus has…

  • Sponsored Collection cover image

    So What Are You Waiting For?

    So what’s keeping you from talking to your elders about one of the most important decisions you will ever make? What’s keeping you from seeking counsel on matters related to vocation? What’s keeping you from an honest, denying-of-self, evaluation of God’s call upon your life? It goes without saying that God call men to be…

  • My Custom Built Community

    One of the interesting and significant new realities of life in a digital world is that we are finding new and original ways of building community. There was a time when community was largely related to and dependent upon geography. Community was based on shared space, so our sense of belonging was tied to the…

  • Humiliation

    Yesterday I had the rare opportunity to preach for just one Sunday which meant that instead of beginning a sermon series or continuing a series, I could preach any text that seemed fitting. As I thought and prayed, I was drawn to Luke 10 and the short story of Mary and Martha and the sibling…