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Explore Luke 18

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  • Behold Wonderous Things

    This sponsored post was provided by Burke Care, and written by Jim Burke, which invites you to schedule care today with a certified biblical counselor. Open my eyes, that I might behold wonderous things out of your law. Psalm 119:18 Today, it is so easy for me to read this verse and conclude, “Oh, Father! You…

  • When Josh Harris Slapped Me Across the Face

    Josh Harris slapped me across the face. He did it through his book Humble Orthodoxy and a little story that is adapted from the words of Jesus in Luke 18. He tells the story “to challenge those of us who trust in the rightness of our doctrine and look down on others.” In other words,…

  • Effectual Worrying

    There was a time in my life when I worried about money. These were not just occasional thoughts about how little money we had, but the kind of worry that would wake me up in the night, bathed in sweat, my mind racing, trying to figure out how on earth I was going to scrape…

  • Resolved Conference (IV)

    This evening’s session began with Rick Holland reminding the audience of a young man named Ryan Gay. Ryan had wanted to attend Resolved last year but was unable to as he was diagnosed with leukemia just a day or two before the conference began. Last year Holland called him from the stage during the conference…