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  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Father, Son and Holy Spirit

    For the past couple of months I have been using Sunday postings on this site to feature reviews of books I wrote a while ago, probably before most of you began reading the site. I reviewed some awfully good books while I was the only person who bothered reading this site and thought it might…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – Father, Son and Holy Spirit

    A couple of months ago I asked Crossway if there was a book in their catalog that they felt was an overlooked treasure – a book that deserved far more recognition than it had received. They suggested Father, Son & Holy Spirit by Bruce Ware. I know of Bruce Ware from his excellent critique of…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – Their God Is Too Small

    Open Theism, once a doctrine known only to Christian academics, is slowly becoming mainstream among evangelicals. While it continues to be a minority position, it is gaining wider acceptance and several popular Christian authors are teaching it or teaching principles derived from it, even while denying their belief in it. This represents one of the…