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Explore grieving

  • Helpful Things You Can Say to Grieving Parents

    Helpful Things You Can Say to Grieving Parents

    It can be awkward to reach out to those who are deep in grief. It can be hard to know what to say and easy to believe that our words are more likely to offend than comfort, to make a situation worse rather than better. We sense that our words ought to be few, but…

  • Nick Challies

    A Year of Sorrow, a Year of Gratitude, a Year of Grace

    The grass at Glen Oaks Cemetery had already begun to fade from its bright summer green to its drab winter brown on the day we first visited. The November breeze blew cold upon us as we walked the rows of graves to choose the spot where we would bury our son. We eventually chose a…

  • Moments With My Father and My Son

    Moments With My Father (and My Son)

    I have many fond memories of my father—memories accumulated over the 43 years we shared this earth. I have fond memories based on my first twenty-one years when I lived in his home and saw him nearly every day. I remember him taking me to old Exhibition Stadium to watch the Blue Jays play. I…

  • I Miss My Son Today

    I Miss My Son Today

    I miss my son today. That goes without saying, I suppose, since I miss him every day. But on this day the pain is particularly sharp, the ache especially deep. I miss my friend, I miss my brother, I miss my protégé. I miss the son of my youth, the delight of my heart. I…

  • The Only Tears In Heaven

    The Only Tears In Heaven

    How many tears do we shed over the course of a lifetime? From the days of infancy when we cry out from hunger and discomfort, to the days of old age when we weep from the agony of physical pain and the sorrow of compounding loss, we are creatures who cry, creatures who express inward…

  • How Christians Grieve

    How To Grieve Like a Christian

    This life is full of loss and full of grief. Though there are times we experience great swells of joy, we also experience deep depths of sorrow. No sorrow is deeper than the sorrow of loss. At such times it is important to consider how Christians grieve. Christ has Lordship over all of life, even…

  • Book Buyers & Book Readers

    A couple of years ago I read Warren Wiersbe’s book 50 People Every Christian Should Know and marked a couple of paragraphs that I thought would prove worth sharing. These words come from a chapter devoted to Alexander Whyte. Here they are: The sales manager of a successful Christian publishing house tells me that pastors…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/18)

    Wednesday October 18, 2006 Du Jour: Mark Dever shares some wise and humble words about pride as impatience. Impatience “is a disguise for the sin of pride, the ugliest of all sins, and the most direct rejection of God’s authority and of a humble joy in His provision for me in the Gospel of Jesus…

  • Election Reflections

    Yesterday I woke up feeling rather depressed. The previous evening I had sat in front of the television and watched Canada elect their fourth consecutive Liberal government. Despite years of gross negligence, waste and scandal Canadians showed their complacency, deciding that the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t. The polls leading…