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  • Making Good Return

    Making Good Return

    I don’t think I am overstating the matter when I say that this has the potential to be one of the most important books you will read. It’s a book that may shape years of your life and transform the way you carry out one of the key roles God assigns to you…

  • 24 Years of Being a Dad

    24 Years of Being a Dad

    It was on this day 24 years ago that I became a dad. I suppose I had already been a dad for the past nine months and 10 days—a full-term of pregnancy plus a few extra days of waiting. But on March 5, 2000, I finally got to meet my firstborn, my boy, my sweet…

  • The Parenting Book Too Few Parents Read

    The Parenting Book Too Few Parents Read

    We are blessed to have access to so many excellent books on parenting. From conception to empty nesting, from strong-willed toddlers to rebellious prodigals, from the joy of welcoming a child to the grief of losing one, there is a book to guide and help us. And for that, I am truly thankful. And yet…

  • The Glory of Children Is Their Fathers

    The Glory of Children Is Their Fathers

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a father who is evil, who is notorious for his terrible deeds? You, as the child, would feel the humiliation of it. There would be a residual shame where you, as that man’s child, would be embarrassed to be related to him. You’d be…

  • Make Some Return To Your Parents

    Make Some Return To Your Parents

    I’ve recently encountered quite a number of people who are grappling with issues related to honoring and caring for their aging parents. Some have parents who are no longer capable of independent living—Should they be invited in to our home or should we look at nursing homes? Some have parents who are very demanding—Do we…