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  • The Freedom of Embracing My Weaknesses

    The Freedom of Embracing My Weaknesses

    I am tip-toeing—or perhaps lurching—toward the age of 50. Whatever it means to be middle-aged, I am indisputably now well within that range. This stage of life has introduced some new trials, new difficulties, and new indignities, many of them related to a body that is no longer what it once was. But this stretch…

  • What the Father Gives

    What the Father Gives, We Must Receive

    At different times in their lives, the children of a particular family were summoned to their father’s office. He called them in and sat them down and told them that he was going to give them something precious. What he gave them might be different from what he had given their siblings, but it would…

  • Keys To Knowing God's Will for your Life

    Keys To Knowing God’s Will for Your Life

    Of all the issues related to Christian living, few receive greater attention than knowing God’s will for our lives. Many believers, and especially younger ones, agonize over knowing what God means for them to do and how he means for them to live out their days. Many end up leaning toward a low-grade form of…

  • Run to Win

    Embrace Your Purpose

    At this very moment, you are running a race. You are running a race even if you are sitting on the bus reading these words on your phone, even if you are reading this to take a break from the drudgery of your work. Everywhere and at all times you are running the race of…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    A Knight in Shining Blubber

    We all know that the story of Jonah is really the story of Jonah and his whale, right? Every childrens’ Bible majors on that whale and its role in miraculously delivering Jonah from the depths of the sea. The whale is the hero of the story, the knight in shining blubber who comes to the…

  • Will God Interfere With Our Free Will?

    Some Christians see God as a kindly but passive observer of our choices. After all, God wouldn’t ever interfere with our free will, would He? Ask Jonah and a wry smile would come over his face.” This is how Colin Smith introduces a fictional anecdote from the life of the prophet Jonah: Would God ever…

  • We Are Not God

    We are not God. That seems obvious when we consider it and yet so often we act as if we actually are God, or gods, at least. John Piper talks about this and many of its implications in one of his meditations from Pierced by the Word. Here is what he says: We are not…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    All About Endorsements

    I’ve been thinking a fair bit lately about endorsements (or blurbs, if you prefer)–the little lines and paragraphs you see on the back of a book giving you good reasons why you really ought to read it. I have done this as I’ve gone through a process of defining my ministry, what I will give…

  • Things Vaguely Comprehended

    Earlier this year John Naish, a British journalist, released a book titled Enough (which does not seem to be widely available in the United States). He subtitled the book, “Breaking free from the world of more.” He uses the book to encourage people to stop when they have enough–enough stuff, enough food, enough work, enough…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/19)

    Thursday July 19, 2007 Books: The NY Times has an early review of the new Harry Potter. “With each installment, the Potter series has grown increasingly dark, and this volume … is no exception.” “Ms. Rowling has fitted together the jigsaw puzzle pieces of this long undertaking with Dickensian ingenuity and ardor.” Politics: Obama says…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/18)

    Wednesday July 18, 2007 Du Jour: Carolyn McCulley is waiting for a match in what sounds like a great opportunity to serve others. Creation: The Times has an interesting article about an “Islamic Creationist and a Book Sent Round the World.” Weird: Plans are underway in Nazareth to build the world’s largest cross. The Nazareth…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review Updates

    Tuesdays are review days at Discerning Reader and this week we’ve added five new ones. Because I am reviewing so many books these days, I will only be posting some of them at my blog. The rest will appear over at Discerning Reader and you can read them there if you’re interested. I’ve written reviews…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Bishop Jordan

    I’ve run across the name “Bishop Jordan” a few times recently, so decided to look into this man a little bit to see what he is all about. So if you are interested, here is a quick rundown. Bishop E. (Elijah) Bernard Jordan is a self-appointed “Master Prophet” who is founder and Senior Pastor of…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Purpose Driven Life Day Three – What Drives Your Life?

    Everyone’s life is driven by something. I see now that Rick Warren likes to open each chapter with a concise summary of the chapter’s title! Chapter three of The Purpose Driven Life begins by stating that each person’s life is driven and controlled by something. Warren lists five of the most common driving forces. They…