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  • A Quiz on the Atonement

    The cross of Christ and what happened upon it stands at the very center of the Christian faith. “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed” (1 Peter 2:24). This is the great doctrine…

  • A Quiz on the Doctrine of Salvation

    At the heart of the Christian faith is this statement: “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Christians are those who have been saved. How well do you know know the doctrine of salvation? This quiz is designed to help you find out.…

  • How Well Do You Know Your Hymns

    How Well Do You Know Your Hymns? (A Quiz)

    As Christians, we are blessed with a long legacy of great hymns. As contemporary Christians, we are blessed with many modern-day hymn writers who are carrying on the art. So how well do you know your hymns and their authors? This little quiz is designed to find out!

  • A Christmas Quiz

    A Christmas Quiz: How Well Do You Know the Nativity Story?

    How well do you know the nativity story? This short quiz is designed to help you find out! It poses 25 quick questions based on the Bible’s accounts of Jesus’ birth. Take the quiz, share the quiz, enjoy the quiz! Best of all, let the quiz take you to the Bible to read more about…

  • Theological Quizzes in PDF Format

    A few weeks ago I began to share theological quizzes. These were created using software that allows them to be completed and graded interactively. Since I began sharing these quizzes, many people have requested versions they could download and print. I went ahead and created those versions as well, and you can now download them…

  • A Quiz on the Doctrine of Scripture

    God has spoken and God speaks. God has spoken and God speaks. God has spoken and continues to speak through the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. How well do you know the doctrine of the Scripture? How well do you know what the Bible tells us about the Bible? This short thirty-three question quiz is designed…

  • Take A Quiz on Christ

    What can we say about Jesus? He is the central figure in all of history. He is the one who divides history. He is the one who towers over history. He is the one who will bring history as we know it to its conclusion. How well do you know what the Bible teaches us…

  • Take a Test on the Trinity

    How well do you know the doctrine of the Trinity? In his little book Delighting in the Trinity, Michael Reeves calls the Trinity “the governing center of all Christian belief” and “the cockpit of all Christian thinking.” In other words, it is not an irrelevant or secondary doctrine, but one that is of primary importance.…

  • Joel Osteen or Fortune Cookie

    Joel Osteen or Fortune Cookie?

    The other day I ate some rather extraordinary Thai food for lunch and, on my way out, grabbed a fortune cookie. I cracked it open and read a silly little proverb meant to inspire, I suppose. I wish it had said “A brisk uphill walk after all-you-can-eat Thai is a bad idea.” Never mind. As…