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Explore Satan

  • He Has No Claim

    He Has No Claim

    Studying European history can be both fascinating and frustrating. Understanding the intricacies of all of those nations, borders and rulers could very easily be a life-long pursuit. The history of the continent is filled with claims, and counterclaims as one person after another sought to prove himself the legitimate heir to one of its many…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Shape of Temptation

    As I continue reading through Waltke’s Old Testament Theology I continue to dig up pure gold. Today I’ll share yet another example. In one of the earliest chapters Waltke writes about man’s fall into sin and discusses “the shape of temptation.” Here he shows how Satan’s original act of temptation is an archetype or sorts.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/16)

    Monday July 16, 2007 Culture: Dr. Mohler sounds an important warning about “Screen Kids” and a whole generation of children being raised by their electronic devices. Photo: I did the research and it turns out that this is a real photograph. Can you imagine? Nature: This site looks to nature to find some examples of…

  • Time to Turn Off the Television

    I have watched far too much coverage of the Katrina aftermath. In fact, I don’t think I have watched so much news coverage since 9/11. I do not have a lot of choice of what to watch, as CNN is the only news outlet in my list of channels that is constantly covering the event.…

  • Bonus January Giveaway: Amazing Grace DVD Set

    As promised, I bring to you today the bonus January giveaway. Each month, for as many months as I can convince authors to sign and send their books to me, I will be giving away two copies of a Christian book autographed by the author. Yesterday I was able to give away two copies of…