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  • My Wife’s Plea to Christian Men

    Over the weekend I could see that Aileen had something on her mind. We spoke and she told me about reading the news, about seeing more Christian men fall into scandal, and, in the face of it all, her confusion, her despair, the crumbling of her hope. I asked if she would write about it.…

  • My Own Personal Bollywood

    Bollywood movies crack me up. Every now and again a friend will send me a clip, a highlight, from one of the Bollywood blockbusters, and inevitably the scene is utterly preposterous. Many of these films are known for their far-too-long and over-the-top fight scenes where the mighty hero defies all the laws of physics and…

  • With Purity and Dignity

    The Bible gives us many motivations to do battle with sin and to persist in putting sin to death. We battle sin because of a newfound desire for righteousness. We battle sin out of love and loyalty to Christ. We battle sin out of hatred for the consequences of sin. But one reason Christians too…

  • We Are All Virgins Now

    We Evangelicals are known for our obsession with virginity. Now don’t get me wrong–I affirm that it is good and God-honoring to remain sexually pure before marriage (and within marriage and after marriage). As a pastor I want to teach the people in my care the value of having their first sexual experiences with their…

  • How Far Is Too Far

    How Far Is Too Far?

    Everyone has had to ask or answer the question at one time or another: When it comes to the physical component of a dating relationship, how far is too far? Can we hold hands? Can we kiss? Can we do a little bit more than kiss? Should we even explore the physical relationship a little…

  • Compromising God’s Standards for Sexuality

    As Christians we are adept at looking at the culture around us and seeing how it is violating God’s good standards when it comes to sexuality. Not too long ago, though, I was asked to reflect on the ways in which Christians may compromise God’s standards for sexuality–some of those hidden or sanctified sins in…

  • Keeping Intimate Details Intimate

    Once again I would like to take an opportunity to answer a question from a reader, and in this case, a question that deals with the frequency with which a husband and wife ought to engage in sexual relations with one another. Here’s the question, followed by my response. In a recent book review you…

  • The Bible and Birth Control

    The Bible and Birth Control

    I have been asked to write about the Christian position on birth control. This is something I have discussed in the past, but there are many ways to approach the topic and this time I would like to approach it from a bit of a different angle. I intend to share how I have gone…

  • Sex and the Mystery of Marriage

    Last week I shared three articles titled A Picture-Perfect Marriage. That short series looked to Ephesians 5 and the great mystery that is marriage. I showed from that text that marriage is, and always has been, a portrait of Christ and his church. But at the end of it all I was left with a…

  • Faithless Prayer

    Acts 12 contains one of my favorite stories of the early church. It is a great little bit of writing–a short story in three acts. I was reflecting on that story recently and just had to tell you about it. The chapter begins with a description of Herod’s persecution against the church. In order to…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/8)

    Where Rock Stars Go to Die – Ted Kluck writes about Christian music. “I’m at Acquire the Fire, a huge, arena-level conference for teens. I have been told, in all earnestness, by a 19-year-old security guard wearing jeggings and six necklaces, that the only rules for being backstage at Acquire the Fire are ‘Don’t talk…

  • Pray Without Ceasing

    Yesterday I came across the name Polly Carey–the sister of the missionary William Carey. I read only a couple of sentences about her and her dedication to prayer. I had to know more. It didn’t take long to find an broadcast from Joni Eareckson Tada in which she discusses Polly. Here is an excerpt of…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    How I Lead My Children in Personal Devotions

    Last weekend I mentioned on Twitter that I had finished planning out my kids’ daily devotions for another week; this led a few people to ask what these devotions look like. Though I am by no means an expert in this area, I am glad to share how I lead my children in their personal…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Pray for Said Musa

    On Sunday I often post a prayer here at the blog. Today I want to ask you to pray. You may have heard of Said Musa, a man imprisoned in Afghanistan and awaiting execution. His crime? He converted to Christianity from Islam. He needs our prayer. Here is what Denny Burk posted yesterday. “Said Musa…

  • A Prayer for the Struggle

    Because of all I’ve written about pornography over the past few years, I was interested to see a recent prayer that Scotty Smith posted at his blog. He titled it “A Prayer for Friends Struggling with Pornography.” Here it is: Jesus, my heart goes out today for friends and their spouses whose lives are being…

  • I Looked For Love In Your Eyes

    A few days ago I received an email from a reader of this site, a woman who was responding to some of the articles I’ve written on the subject of pornography. She shared a poem, a bit of free verse she had written in the midst of her husband’s addiction. I wish I could say…

  • Twin Lakes (III)

    This afternoon Carl Robbins invited different pastors, church planters and heads of ministries to provide brief updates on what has happened in their ministries over the past year. This was really an amazing time as we were able to see the diversity of Reformed ministries. We heard from missionaries raising support to head to other…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Self-Centered Sex (Part 2)

    This article continues the discussion I began yesterday on the topic of self-centered sex. Because sex is created by God and to be used for His glory, it is not purely a physical or sexual or emotional issue, a theological issue. Thus in yesterday’s article we built a brief framework in which to understand sex…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Self-Centered Sex (Part 1)

    Twelve or eighteen months ago I wrote a couple of articles about the always difficult subject of autoeroticism (i.e. masturbation). This is a subject I hesitate to write about and yet one that I feel is both important and relevant. It is a subject that takes us outside of our comfort zones but hiding our…