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Explore Song of Solomon

  • Why We Need the Song of Songs

    Song of Songs, or Song of Solomon if you prefer, must be one of the most controversial books in the whole Bible, and whether it is meant to be literal or allegorical (or both) is one of the great debates of every age. But what we must know and believe is that the book is…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (5/31)

    Challies, Voskamp, and All Us Girls – There have been a lot of reactions to my review of Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gift, ranging from the outrageous to the encouraging. I found this one from The Christian Pundit particularly helpful. 7 Evils of a Grumbling Spirit – BJ Stockman goes to Jeremiah Burroughs and The…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Missing the Forest for all the Trees

    John MacArthur has kicked off a bit of controversy with his posts on Song of Solomon and, in particular, with his rationale for doing so–addressing pastors who, when preaching through the book, “employ extremely graphic descriptions of physical intimacy as a way of expounding on the euphemisms in Solomon’s poem.” In his first two articles…

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    Beautiful, Reckless Desire

    The past twenty-four or forty-eight hours have been the most successful in the history of my company Websonix, at least in terms of sales. I have been literally inundated with work. Of course I am not complaining! Far from it, I am very thankful for the work that has come my way. It has meant,…