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  • Christian MP3 Bonanza (All Legal)

    Just for kicks, here are some links to fully legal MP3s. Grassroots Music has a huge selection of legal downloads from some major releases (By The Tree, Tree 63, Derek Webb, Carolyn Arends, etc). Third Day has 3 bootlegs you can download. Jason McGibbon (a good friend of mine) has the song I Am Broken…

  • New Derek Webb Album

    This is the best news I’ve gotten all day! Derek Webb will be releasing his follow-up release to She Must And Shall Go Free on June 8. His first album is one of my top picks from 2003 and has quickly become one of my all-time favorite albums. So naturally I am quite excited to…

  • Sunday Reflection

    God gave us the Sabbath, the seventh day, to use in remembrance of Him. Ultimately, the day of rest should stir our thoughts to think of the final rest we will enjoy when we go to be with Him. The following hymn, For All The Saints (written by William W. How), is a favorite of…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Day Eight – Planned For God’s Pleasure

    I was planned for God’s pleasure. With this sentence Rick Warren begins day eight of The Purpose Driven Life and his discussion of the first of my five purposes. The first purpose of my life is to bring enjoyment and pleasure to God. As the crowning achievement of His creation, I can bring Him pleasure…