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Explore May 2004

  • Memorial Day Salutations

    I am Canadian, and as such have no idea what the proper etiquette is for Memorial Day. To say “happy Memorial Day” seems a touch flippant. So, for all my American friends, enjoy your day away from the grind. What do Americans do on Memorial Day, anyways? Is it just an “excuse” for a day…

  • David Cloud’s Mailbox

    Every now and then David Cloud, a hardcore fundamentalist baptist, publishes some of the emails he has received over the past weeks or months. It always makes for hilarious reading. While I agree with a whole lot of what Cloud has to say, there have been a few times I’ve gotten close to emailing him…

  • Sunday Ramblings

    Welcome to yet another edition of my now-patented Sunday Ramblings. It’s a time for me to throw disorganized thoughts together and call it blogging. Today we start at The Journey Church which had its second preview service this morning. As with their first preview which was held last month, I was priveleged to be part…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    How Fruitful Is Too Fruitful?

    A few days ago I posted a link to the story about the Duggar Family who is celebrating the arrival of their fifteenth child. Though it did not generate much buzz here, in other places across the Net the story became a hot topic as people debated the appropriateness of having fifteen children. The most…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Looking For A Church Home?

    I found the following list on Shane’s Site and thought it was really well done. It is a list of questions the author recommends one asks when searching for a new church home. As I read it a lightbulb went on in my mind. Far too often I think we are a bit embarrassed to…

  • Big Changes Part 2

    So far so good in regards to the move to the new commenting system. I had a bit of a problem with my archives but managed to fix it. The only real annoyances now are: Other than those small annoyances I’m quite happy with the forums. I am hoping a bunch of people sign up…

  • Big Changes

    I made some pretty big changes to the site today. All new topics will now direct you to the forums to do commenting. I think this system will work better in the end. I am a bit worried it will lead to more spamming (just when I had started to get it under control) but…

  • R.C. Sproul on Church Growth

    I came across a good little article by R.C. Sproul that speaks about the church growth movement. Here are some quotes: The church growth movement has done an outstanding job in capturing the right words. Everybody opposed to churches growing raise your hands. Anybody out there not want to attract unbelievers to the church of…

  • Challies Dot Com Forums?

    There is so much discussion happening in various parts of this site now that I keep thinking it might be a good idea to put some forums in place. I know there is a long and arduous way of changing the commenting system so that the forum takes over that role, and think that might…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Plastic Tools

    In our home church (ie. Bible study) we have been studying evangelism over the past four weeks. One thing we seem to keep coming back to is the difference between what our work is and what God’s work is. I guess we often get confused between the parts of the process that God holds us…

  • 15 Kids Is A Good Start

    There is a great story in the news today about the Duggar family of Fayetteville, Arkansas. They are celebrating the birth of their 15th child. Amazing. Now when you hear there are 15 kids you know they are religious, so you start to ask are they Catholic? Christian? Mormon? I did a bit of research…

  • Where The Discussion’s At

    There is some fascinating discussion going on in various places around this site at the moment. I am WAY behind in answering comments/questions/emails so am dedicating time to that today. In the meantime, here is where you can find some good discussion.

  • A Day Off

    Today Canadians celebrate Victoria Day which commemorates Queen Victoria’s birthday. I suspect most Canadians do not know or care what the day commemorates. The traditional way to celebrate the day (or more often the whole weekend) is to head to a cottage or campground and drink oneself into oblivion. For this reason the holiday has…

  • Christians & Smoking

    A short while after our church first began, back when there were only 100 of us or so, a young guy walked up to me after church and asked me, almost in a whisper, “what do you guys believe about smoking? Is it okay to smoke in this church?” I laughed a little, not because…

  • BlogBasics Buttons

    Several people asked yesterday for buttons for my new site BlogBasics. I made up a couple of buttons which you can get here. Thanks to all of you who have linked my site on yours. I appreciate it.

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – What You Need To Know About TPotC

    While I read hundreds of articles about The Passion of the Christ before and after it was released, What You Need To Know About The Passion of the Christ is the first full-length book I have read on the topic. Ian Brown, author and pastor of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster (Ireland) has written…

  • Frank Schaeffer?

    Until today I had no idea that Francis Schaeffer had a son named Frank. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. What is surprising is that he has forsaken his parents’ faith and has converted to Greek Orthodoxy. He has also directed several films, three of which were were rated “R” for their violent content. I…

  • BlogBasics

    About a week ago I mentioned on this site that I was working on a second site that was going to be about the basics of blogging. Since that time I have received HEAPS of emails begging me for more details. Actually, I’m making that up. I haven’t received any emails about it, but I…

  • Petra Interview

    Michael Janke at CMCentral has just posted an excellent interview he did with Petra during GMA week. At first he speaks just with Bob Hartman but about halfway through John Schlitt comes in and it’s just great to read the banter between the two of them. Are they really talking about looking forward to Petra’s…

  • Ups & Downs of Blogging

    I love blogging. It really has changed my life. I have hesitated to say so before now, but believe I have been blogging long enough now to say so with some degree of certainty. It was November 1, 2003 that I decided I would commit to blogging on a daily basis. Since then I have…