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Explore February 2008

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Having One Without the Other

    Some time ago a reader of this site, a new Calvinist, wrote to ask, “If a person is ‘a child of wrath’ from birth due to Adam’s sin and unable to choose God because of Adam’s sin, how is he responsible for his actions if he was born this way (and has no ability of…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/6)

    Wednesday February 6, 2008 Cherishing Your MarriageThis is the beginning of what looks like a promising series over at the CBMW blog. Beyond the Gates of SplendorAmazon has the DVD of “Beyond the Gates of Splendor” on sale at the moment. Highlights from T4G ’06In the coming weeks, over at the Together for the Gospel…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – Hollywood Worldviews

    Perhaps no area of discernment is more difficult and more controversial than the Christian’s engagement with culture. Are we to be cultural gluttons, immersing ourselves in the culture around us so we can speak to it from the perspective of first-hand experience? Are we to be cultural anorexics, avoiding culture altogether lest it corrupt us?…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/5)

    Tuesday February 5, 2008 A Free Song from PassionAt Jesusfreakhideout you can (legally) download a free track from the latest Passion CD (which releases today). Ted Dekker Books on SaleFor the entire month of February Ted Dekker’s official site is offering most of his books at 60% off. The Altar of Cynicism“The Altar of Cynicism”…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Beauty of a Good Translation

    I love language and the English language in particular. While I have always enjoyed using words and studying language, I found that my love of English was forged during the time I spent studying other languages, primarily those from which English is derived—Latin, Greek, and to some extent, French. I also studied linguistics and, of…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/4)

    Monday February 4, 2008 Go Wayne Grudem!Words fail me. Holiness by GracePulpit Magazine has a review of Bryan Chapell’s perpetual favorite *Holiness by Grace*. Frozen Grand Central StationThis is another great “improv everywhere” moment.

  • An Interview with Makoto Fujimura

    A little while ago I conducted a brief interview with Makoto Fujimura ( Fujimura is a New York-based artist who deals with a kind of art with which I have little familiarity. I first heard of him through an article written by Phil Ryken in which he describes visiting an exhibition featuring Fujimura’s work. I…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Prayer for the Lord’s Day

    Last Saturday I shared a prayer for the Lord’s Day Eve. Like that one, today’s prayer is also drawn from that collection of Puritan prayers The Valley of Vision. This prayer is meant for the Lord’s Day and is a perfect way to begin Sunday looking to the Lord of that day. O Lord, My…

  • Friday Miscellania

    It’s a snow day today. We woke up to a pretty good blanket of the stuff on the ground and it’s supposed to keep up all day. It’s an absolute mess on the roads which makes me doubly glad that I am able to work from home. It’s a good day to stay in. The…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/1)

    Friday February 1, 2008 The Better HourIn February PBS will air “The Better Hour: The Legacy of William Wilberforce.” It is a documentary dealing with the life and legacy of Wilberforce. Keep an eye out for it! Remember Chris Sligh?Chris Sligh, a one-time top-ten finisher in American Idol, is about to release a new single…