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Explore March 2008

  • Quote – You Might Be Emergent If…

    Have you ever wondered if you are emergent? I know I have! Here is Kevin DeYoung, co-author of Why We’re Not Emergent (By Two Guys Who Should Be) on how you might know if you are emergent… After reading nearly five thousand pages of emerging-church literature, I have no doubt that the emerging church, while…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – Young, Restless, Reformed

    Though it is the emerging church that seems to have received so much attention in the past few years, just under the radar there has also been a quiet and steady growth of interest in far more traditional Reformed theology. All across North America (and perhaps beyond) Christians, and young Christians in particular, have been…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/31)

    Monday March 31, 2008 Should We Call it Quiet Time?David Powlison writes about personal worship and whether or not we should call it “quiet time.” Don Cherry’s Favorite Left-Wing KookYour enjoyment of this video may depend on your knowledge of Canada. But it’s fun for those who know this country! Dan Kimball on New Emergent…

  • O Little Child of Salem

    Some time ago my mother made me aware of a poem her grandfather had written many years ago. My great grandfather was an Anglican minister somewhere in Quebec’s Eastern Townships and, to be honest, beyond that I know very little about him. But I really enjoyed this poem (which would have been ideal to post…

  • Together for the Gospel (in Canada!) – A Reminder

    We are just a couple of weeks away from Together for the Gospel—undoubtedly one of the most highly anticipated conferences of the year. I first mentioned a few weeks ago that at the conference there will be a small gathering geared specifically to Canadians and to people with an interest in ministry to Canada. This…

  • Friday Miscellania

    It’s Friday and there are a few things I’ve been saving in my Favorites folder that I’d like to mention today. The Internet Effect on News I say, without any hyperbole, that this article from TIME may be the most important you read today. In it Michael Scherer explains how news has become commoditized through…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/28)

    Friday March 28, 2008 Isaiah 53Here’s an interesting and creative take on Isaiah 53. Narnia Interrupted?Please say it ain’t so! “…studio suits seem to be cooling to the idea of producing movie versions of all seven of C.S. Lewis’s Narnia books.” The Leniency of ExcommunicationI’ve long thought of excommunication as an act of mercy, but…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Just Stop It!

    You’ve probably seen this video. If not, you’ll want to take six minutes of your life and give it a look. It’s Bob Newhart at his best, really. If you’ve heard his old bits about the discovery of tobacco or the invention of baseball you’ll see that not much has changed over the years. He’s…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/27)

    Thursday March 27, 2008 Band of Bloggers RegistrationBand of Bloggers registration closes in just one week. If you are a blogger and are going to be at Together for the Gospel…it’s time to register! Is Belief a Natural Phenomenon?Dr. Mohler writes about a new effort called “Explaining Religion” that will attempt to prove that belief…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – Why We’re Not Emergent (By Two Guys Who Should Be)

    “What is this emerging church I keep hearing about?” If I had a dime for every time I have been asked that question or one like it, well, I’d be several dollars richer at least. Emerging is one of the buzzwords in the church these days and one that begs for greater explanation. Unfortunately it…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/26)

    Wednesday March 26, 2008 My Book at CrosswalkCrosswalk is currently featuring a chapter of my book at their site in case you’ve been interested in giving it a “trial run.” R.C. Sproul and Ben SteinLigonier has posted video of R.C. Sproul interviewing Ben Stein about his new film dealing with Intelligent Design. Monergism Books Free…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – “Walking with God” by John Eldredge

    If you have been in a Christian bookstore in the past six or seven years, you are undoubtedly family with John Eldredge. Beginning with The Sacred Romance (co-authored with the late Brent Curtis) and continuing with Wild at Heart, Captivating, The Way of the Wild Heart, and others, his books have been constant features on…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/25)

    Tuesday March 25, 2008 I apologize that I offered no A La Carte yesterday. I was in Atlanta on business and only returned late last night. T4G PromosIn case you are still undecided about going to T4G, here are some promos to whet your appetite. Fit 2 ReadHere’s a blog that offers “Trustworthy, non-commercial Christian…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    They Went to Their Own

    Do you know those times where you have a word or phrase bouncing around your mind for days or weeks at a time? I’ve had one of those recently and I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about it. The phrase is this: “Give your best to your local church.” It is easy, I…

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    The Rival Churches of St. Asaph and St. Osoph

    Yesterday I posted a short story by Canadian humorist Stephen Leacock. Well, I thought it would be fun to post one more thing by him before turning to more important matters. The story by Leacock that is usually considered his most humorous is entitled “Arcadian Adventures With the Idle Rich.” As one commenter (who happens…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    My Financial Career

    As I was writing yesterday’s article I kept thinking of a rather popular short story by Stephen Leacock, a Canadian writer who lived from 1869 to 1944. His most famous book is probably Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town, though if you aren’t Canadian you probably haven’t heard of it. You should. Leacock was downright…

  • Becoming a Better Apologizer

    I was in a bad mood yesterday. For weeks now I’ve been trying to figure out something simple with a nearby bank—or something that should be simple. It has been a comedy of errors, really. Every time I try to do something (anything!), it seems that their incompetence or ignorance is working against me. I’ll…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/21)

    Friday March 21, 2008 Arcing and TracingMy brain hurts when I try to figure this stuff out. But Doug has some good information (and good links) about arcing and tracing passages of the Bible. Pastor Killed by GoatThis is probably the oddest story you’re going to hear all day. “It was a very angry, belligerent,…

  • Guest Blog: The Crowd Was NOT Fickle!

    Today I am posting something rare–a guest post. This article was written by John Ensor, whom you may know as the author of The Great Work of the Gospel and Doing Things Right in Matters of the Heart. In this article he takes on what he considers a popular Palm Sunday myth. Read it and…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/20)

    Thursday March 20, 2008 T4G – Final CallThough registration for Together for the Gospel does not officially end for another ten days, spots are filling fast and only a few hundred are left. If you’ve been procrastinating, it’s time to get registered. Tim Keller at GoogleJustin has a link to Keller’s recent talk (and the…