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A La Carte (04/13)

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Thursday April 13, 2006

Web: William Dicks points out that Google is hosting a blog that promotes ‘boy love’–sexual relationships between men and adolescents. He recommends urging Google to drop the site.

Music: The Thirsty Theologian has written a song. A really bad song. But he points to a post by Libbie that contains a song that is far, far worse. It could be one of the most meaningless worship songs I’ve ever read. The chorus is, “Wash over me, wash over me ’til I can’t take any more”

Modesty: The Girl Talk ladies, just in time for summer (shorts, short skirts, tank tops and all the other accoutrements of warm weather fashion) are beginning a series dealing with modesty. “…My dad says it this way, ‘Any biblical discussion of modesty begins by addressing the heart, not the hemline.’”

Business: In an interesting little bit of business news, the BBC has discovered that Google earns $0.12 in revenue for every Google search you and I do. Google controls almost half of the search market and that number seems to grow constantly.

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