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Explore Ephesians 5

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  • Marriage: A Dance of Beauty and Chaos

    This sponsored post was provided by Burke Care, and written by Jen Arend, which invites you to schedule care today with a certified biblical counselor. As the music swells, she begins her descent down the aisle. All eyes are on her, especially her groom. She is radiant, majestic, and filled with beauty. Her gaze meets his tear-filled…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (October 31)

    Good morning still and again from Unalaska where the fog has come in and flights have been cancelled. We had planned to leave yesterday but are now going to be stuck here until at least Wednesday! I dug up a few new Kindle deals for you today, though it’s not quite as extensive as yesterday’s…

  • Grace for Sinners to Love Like Saints

    Grace for Sinners to Love Like Saints

    I am often asked how I read so many books. My pat answer is something like this: “The more you read, the easier it gets. When you’ve read 8 books on marriage, the 9th goes really quickly.” The point is that there is a kind of sameness to Christian publishing where books tend to focus…

  • monday

    A La Carte (May 9)

    Good morning. Grace and peace to you. Today’s Kindle deals include some top-notch books on the Trinity. (Yesterday on the blog: One Woman in the Right Mightier than Four Hundred Men in the Wrong) Not What I Expected “One of the most shocking television moments I ever witnessed was on L.A. Law in the 1980s.…

  • How We Worshipped

    How We Worshipped on One Acapella Sunday In October

    Every now and again I like to share an example of one of our worship services from Grace Fellowship Church. I do this simply to provide an example of how one church structures our time of worship, hoping it will prove a helpful resource to others. This service’s cast of characters included Paul as the…

  • Men and Women in the Church

    Men and Women in the Church

    A book about a Christian perspective on manhood and womanhood faces an immediate challenge: Do we really need another one? There are, after all, any number of titles that deal with the subject and do so with skill. Could there really be a place for one more? Kevin DeYoung believes there is and, for that…

  • God Created Family To Picture His Truth

    I’ve put together a little mini-series on family, and have shown first that God created family and second that God created family as a means of carrying out his will. In today’s article I want to show that God also created family to picture his truth. Here is what I mean: God uses family as…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (May 9)

    I was not able to track down any particularly interesting Kindle deals for today. We’ll try again on Friday! (Yesterday on the blog: The Wonderful, Glorious Jesus) When Contentment Sneaks Up on You “I haven’t arrived at full contentment yet. I’d say nobody ever will, until we all have our sins completely washed away on…

  • How Love Your Wife As Christ Loved the Church

    How To Love Your Wife As Christ Loved the Church

    As a Christian husband, you are not left wondering or speculating about what it means to carry out your role in a way that pleases God and blesses your wife. To the contrary, the Bible provides clear guidance: You are to love your wife as Christ loves his church. In the closing verses of Ephesians…

  • Just Forget About Marriage for a Minute!

    We are a people obsessed with love. We crave love and long to both extend and receive it. It is the subject of our favorite films, the theme of our treasured poems, the thrill of our happy hearts. Yet for all the love we see and experience, there is one much greater than them all.…

  • It’s No Tragedy To Miss the Model

    When I was a kid, one of my hobbies was building model airplanes. I’m sure you remember those little boxes of plastic parts you’d buy at a hobby shop or toy store. Your job was to paint them, glue them, and make them into something that bore a resemblance to an airplane. I must have…

  • Why We Cringe at Submit

    Why We Cringe at “Submit”

    A couple of times I’ve run into people who are familiar with the kind of Reformed theology I hold to and are eager to challenge me. Along the way they’ve said something like this: “I don’t believe in predestination.” That brings about an easy response: “The question isn’t whether you believe in predestination, but what…

  • How We Worshipped

    How We Worshipped (One Sunday in March)

    Every few weeks I like to share an example of one of our services at Grace Fellowship Church. I hope that by doing this others will follow suit! I love to learn how other churches worship and often find myself both challenged and encouraged as I see how other congregations worship God in their unique…

  • Ask Me Anything

    Ask Me Anything (Family Devotions, Christian Comedy, Women in the Church, etc)

    I continue to receive lots of Letters to the Editor, hence I continue to attempt to answer lots of Letters to the Editor. Here’s a new batch that include answers to questions on family devotions, whether church is for believers or unbelievers, Christian comedy, if and how women can serve in the church, and so…

  • Letters to the Editor (Petra, Marriage, Sex in Movies)

    This was a banner week when it came to letters to the editor. I had a lot of letters to choose from on a lot of different subjects—something I found rather a joy. Here are some of the best of them. Comments on War, Women, and Wealth Thank you for your article on War, Women,…

  • Why I Am Not Egalitarian

    I’ve got just two articles remaining in this series I’ve titled “Why I Am Not…” Week by week I am describing why I have rejected some theological positions in favor of others and my purpose is not so much to persuade as it is to explain. There is a story behind every position I hold…

  • Sponsored Collection cover image

    Dog-matics and Dominion

    This sponsored post was prepared by C.J. Williams of Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. When Adam found that among the creatures there was not one suitable for him as a partner (Gen 2:20), it is not as though he (or God) first thought that there might indeed be an animal that would match him as a…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Satisfied Only With Utter Destruction

    There is much debate and much concern today about redefining marriage. Where it hasn’t happened already, it seems very nearly inevitable that the definition will soon be expanded to include homosexual unions. And once marriage has been redefined away from the union of one man to one woman, it seems almost impossible not to see…

  • A Social Media Heart Check

    Have you ever seen a bloodhound at work, tracking down a fugitive? Bloodhounds are absolutely remarkable creatures that are able to distinguish smells a thousand times more effectively than human beings. An article at PBS tells how they get on a trail and how they stay on it: When a bloodhound sniffs a scent article…