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A La Carte (10/09)

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Monday October 9, 2006

Church: “The Times” has an article about Terry Waite, one of the world’s best-known Anglicans, who has begun attending Quaker services instead of Anglican ones. “The contemporary Church of England has made everybody so busy jumping up and down all the time in its services. In the days before all the changes to the services you could often remain on your knees for an entire service of holy communion. In that time you could respond spiritually in the way you wanted.”

Church: Meanwhile, on this side of the Atlantic, the “New York Times” is writing about evangelical churches that are afraid of losing their teens and are willing to do just about anything to win them back.

Conference: The International Baptist Conference is coming to Toronto next week to Toronto Baptist Seminary. Mark Dever is the keynote speaker. You can get details by clicking here (PDF file).

Calvinism: Rick Phillips of Reformation21 has some interesting things to say about “hateful Calvinism.” Calvinism without grace is indeed terrible and hateful.

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