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A La Carte (10/13)

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Just one day before Aileen and I head to Fort Worth for the True Woman conference. We’re looking forward to getting away. I suppose I shouldn’t tell anyone down there that I was cheering for the Tampa Bay Rays. Not that it really matters at this point. Now I’ll be cheering for the Rangers over the Yankees. I’m fickle like that.

BECNT Sale – On the occasion of the release of the Ephesians commentary, Westminster Books is offering a great deal on the BECNT series of commentaries. And if that’s not your favorite series, they are also offering discounts on the NICNT.

Begg in Toronto – Alistair Begg recently spoke at the Toronto Pastors Fellowship, an event hosted by my church. If you’re interested, you can listen to his talk and the subsequent Q&A. The feedback from the pastors who attended was that Begg’s talk was very good!

I Can Help You in … Six Words – Ed Welch has good things to say about saying too much. “Christians have said and written plenty of words. We hear long sermons about one word in Scripture. The rite of passage for a preacher is to linger in the book of Romans for at least a year. The longer the better. Every week I walk through a seminary library that is running out of shelf space. When I set out to write a book I inevitably write too much and have to delete thousands of words.”

20 Questions To Ask of Novels – Here are some good questions that come courtesy of a blog I’ve only just begun reading. Mark Meynell lists 20 questions that you can ask of a novel.

High Chairs vs Toilet Seats – “According to swabs taken at 30 different restaurants, the amount of bacteria found on high chairs was significantly greater than the amounts found on public toilets. Toilets had an average of eight bacteria per square centimeter. High chairs had 147.”

The Church and Culture – Phillip Jensen asks Mark Dever “How do you see the culture affecting us negatively?”

Phillip Jensen asks Mark Dever “How do you see the culture affecting us negatively?” from Audio Advice on Vimeo.

And finally, I got a chuckle out of this quote from R.C. Sproul (which I stumbled across while reading The Invisible Hand). Sproul is talking about today’s miracle workers:

It is clear that however we define a miracle we must place the alleged miracles of today in a different class, or category, from those recorded in the Scriptures. No one is bringing something out of nothing these days–unless it is the currency produced by the federal government!

—R.C. Sproul

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