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A La Carte (10/29)

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How Willingly Do People Go to Hell?
John Piper addresses one of the problems with C.S. Lewis’ teaching on hell. “What sinners want is not hell but sin. That hell is the inevitable consequence of unforgiven sin does not make the consequence desirable. It is not what people want–certainly not what they ‘most want.’ Wanting sin is no more equal to wanting hell than wanting chocolate is equal to wanting obesity. Or wanting cigarettes is equal to wanting cancer.”

Free Sermons on Amillennialism
“With the generous permission of Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Monergism is giving away for free this incredible CD of his lectures and sermons. This mp3 CD includes Riddlebarger’s 15-part lecture series on Amillennialism 101 as well as his 32-part sermon series on the book of Revelation. This CD will be mailed directly and we only ask that you cover the cost of shipping.”

Preaching Under the City
I found this video amazing. Here is a man preaching the gospel to the homeless who live in the tunnels under Detroit.

Why Desiring God Gives Things Away for Free
Matt Perman of Desiring God explains why Desiring God has decided to give away so many of their resources for free.

Deal of the Day: Amazon
Just a reminder that every day Amazon has one amazing deal and a series of lesser deals on a variety of products. For example, today they are offering the Oral B “Model S-200 Sonic Rechargeable Toothbrush” for just $39.99, a 60% discount. Yesterday the deal was a set of Hitchcock DVDs. So it is worth checking in daily, especially around Christmas. You never know what you’ll find.

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