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A La Carte (10/4)

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Sin Is Cosmic Treason – Resurgence offers an article from R.C. Sproul on the treasonous nature of sin. Speaking personally, understanding sin as a form of treason (the greatest form of treason) has been very helpful in my understanding of human depravity.

Double and Dangerous – Nathan Bingham, a self-proclaimed geek who loves gadgets, compares what Tim Keller says about idolatry in the big picture to what I say about it (in The Next Story) as it relates to technology.

Manipulating a Profession of Faith – Andy Naselli looks to an old book and what it prescribes for leading people to make professions of faith.

50 Greatest Moments – The greatest moment in playoff history was actually given only the #2 spot. If this had been any American team, it would be #1.

A Depressing Report on Depression – David Murray summarizes a new report.

Clarity from Piper – Paul Martin shares a brief excerpt from one of Piper’s biographies that provides a reminder that the truth of biblical language must be vigorously protected with non-biblical language.

Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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