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A La Carte Collection cover image

I’m glad you who read the site on the weekend enjoyed Saturday’s Weekend Edition of A La Carte. I suppose I’ll try carrying that one on for a few weeks to see how it works out (which is to say I’ll need to see if I can find enough good links to carry it through.). I should try to come up with a link submission system to crowdsource some of the link discovery for A La Carte. Anyone know of a system that would handle that?

Read Less, Meditate More – Z points to a Bible reading plan that encourages depth of engagement over mere volume. “The purpose of this Bible reading schedule (shortened considerably from schedules that get through the Bible in one year) is actually to limit the amount of Bible we read daily. Reading quickly through many verses may not be as profitable as savoring deeply a few verses. So the aim of this schedule is not to read less, but to meditate more.”

Practical Shepherding – Brian Croft’s Practical Shepherding blog has a new home and a new look. This is pretty much a must-read blog for men in ministry (and others who are interested).

SwissGear – Amazon’s got a sale on SwissGear laptop bags, today only. These are great bags for the price they’re selling them at today (I don’t know that they’d be worth paying full price for…).

Monergism Books – Monergism Books is having an inventory reduction sale of an additional 10% off our sale prices on everything in the whole store. Lowest prices for books on the net (on regular sale prices) guaranteed through Tuesday at Midnight. Make sure you’re a registered user of the site and add at least $35 to your cart. After you click “Check Out” a page will appear called “Your Shopping Cart”. Below the shopping cart type the text challies2011 in the “Coupon or Promotional Code” box. Click “APPLY.”

Cruciform Quotes – Here’s a cool site; it offers a collection of best-of quotes from books published by Cruciform Press.

The Shepherd Leader – Last week David wrote about the biblical metaphor of sheep; he recently followed this up with an article about the accompanying metaphor of shepherds.

Gulag Lite – I don’t know all of the historical and political background to this story, but it makes for interesting reading nonetheless.

Beast Mode – This is the most ridiculous football highlight I’ve seen in a long time. Did they butter this guy down before the game?

The tree will not only lie as it falls, but it will fall as it leans. What is the inclination of my soul?

—J.J. Gurney

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (September 17)

    A La Carte: Who’s afraid of Romans 1? / You can only be what you can see / Are you a pastor who hurts people? / A holy life is the seed of evangelism / Thinking biblically in all areas of life / and more.

  • Shadow, Stream, and Scattered Beam Apologetics

    This week the blog is sponsored by Zondervan Reflective. This is an excerpt from Thaddeus Williams’ latest book on living out a radically God-centered systematic theology entitled Revering God: How to Marvel at Your Maker (Zondervan Reflective, 2024), featuring stories of Christian thinkers like Michael Horton, Fred Sanders, Joni Eareckson-Tada, John Perkins, Vishal Mangalwadi, and…

  • Did the Angels Laugh

    Did the Angels Laugh?

    You’ve got to hand it to the chief priests and Pharisees: They did their best. They did their level best to keep Jesus in his tomb. After successfully overseeing his execution, they remembered that he had not only predicted his death but also spoken of some kind of resurrection. Wanting to make sure his disciples…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (September 16)

    A La Carte: Why Christians won’t stop singing / Exercising an idle mind / The scars of hope / David’s sin in ordering a census / Is this actually accomplishing anything? / Kindle deals / and more.

  • Tutor

    It Comes with a Personal Tutor

    The promised Spirit has come, and one of the great helps this Helper performs is a kind of tutoring. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says it well: “Unlike any other book that has ever been written, the Bible is alive; and it comes with a personal tutor—the Holy Spirit, who lives in us.”

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (September 14)

    A La Carte: The Battle and the Blessing (a new song!) / Curved in upon ourselves / Pondering the passage of time / The allure and danger of WitchTok / Be a Christian in every situation / and more.