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A La Carte (11/1)

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Why I Married A White Girl – I enjoyed this post from Trip Lee: “Whenever I post pictures of my family on social media, the responses are always fun. The most common are, ‘Your son is so handsome!’ or ‘What a beautiful family!’ But one of the other common responses is, ‘Is your wife white?’”

One Vital Lesson – Douglas Phillips of Vision Forum Ministries recently resigned because of “lengthy, inappropriate relationship with a woman.” David Murray reflects and warns.

Chartbeat Rising – Ever wonder what the Internet is talking about? Chartbeat Rising attempts to display it in real-time.

Logos – Logos users will want to grab The Works of Richard Sibbes (volume 1) which is this month’s free book from Logos.

Book Reviews for Parents – If you’ve got kids who read, you should make Redeemed Reader a regular stop. Here they review “history in graphic format.”

The Christian Traveller – Jeremy Walker looked around the airport and saw every manner of person making a statement by his dress or behavior. And he wondered, “By what means should I, as a Christian traveller, communicate my personal identity and spiritual allegiance?”

A Word to Crazy Busy Parents – CBMW shares a helpful and funny excerpt from Kevin DeYoung’s Crazy Busy.

Hollywood and the Bible – “Studios and filmmakers are rediscovering a classic text as source material for upcoming mainstream films: the Bible.” Sarah Pulliam Bailey lists a lot of the upcoming Bible-based films.

Wesley Gospel

There are two things to do about the gospel: believe it and behave it.

—Susanna Wesley

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