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A La Carte (11/13)

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Never the Same – Be sure to watch Never the Same, a short film celebrating the 50th anniversary of the gospel’s arrival among the Sawi—a story told in the best-selling book, Peace Child.

When Dad Chopped Down the Idol – “There’s a memory seared into my mind from when I was twelve years old. I was watching from the backdoor of our home as my father brought out an axe. Laying prostrate on the ground was a 3-foot-tall intricately designed statue of Buddha carved from wood. The axe went flying through the air from over my father’s shoulder landing with a loud thwack!”

The New Archbishop – “Justin Welby was once rejected for ordination. Now, as the next Archbishop of Canterbury, all hopes are pinned on him to unite the divided Anglican community.” He has an awfully difficult task ahead of him.

Was it Wine or Grape Juice? – Michael Patton looks at Jesus’ first miracle and asks, “Did he turn water into wine or into grape juice?” I quite agree with his conclusion.

Rejoice When God Blesses Others – Mark Altrogge tells why we ought to rejoice when God blesses others. He also explains why this comes so unnaturally to us.

True joy comes only from God and He shares this joy with those who walk in fellowship with Him.

—Jerry Bridges

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