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A La Carte (11/2)

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World Population Grows (Older) – “On this crowded, hot, trampled planet, one of the most vexing trends is something countless numbers of us see when we look in the mirror: We’re going gray. The United Nations has declared that the human population will hit 7 billion Monday, and an expanding percentage of those people are in the market for reading glasses.”

2 Books on Marriage – Westminster Books is offering great discounts on 2 new books on marriage, one by Tim Keller and the other by Tim Chester.

Patience and Providence – WORLD writes about one man’s battle against Planned Parenthood. “It soon became obvious what Kline was after: He had discovered that Planned Parenthood and Tiller were regularly performing abortions on girls under age 15 (166 over 18 months), but during that time they reported only one of those cases each to the state as child rape.”

May I Go in There? – This is a powerful quote from John Phillips’ Exploring Hebrews commentary.

What to Look for in a Church – Bob Glenn gives you 7 things to look for in a new church.

6 Tips for Memorizing Scripture – Here are 6 practical tips (and 1 convicting challenge).

The vague and tenuous hope that God is too kind to punish the ungodlyhas become a deadly opiate for the consciences of millions.

—A.W. Tozer

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