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A La Carte (11/7)

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Supply-Chain Secrets – I found this article just fascinating. It deals with Apple’s ability to completely control the supply chain and, with it, to gain huge advantages as a company.

For/Against Calvinism – Monergism Books is offering a great discount on the For and Against Calvinism 2-pack (one book by Roger Olsen, one by Michael Horton).

Begin in the Heart – “Jesus began the discussion regarding behavioral sins like porn not with the behavior, but with the heart … He placed the source or the genesis of our sin problems in the heart rather than the lip. … A man’s struggle with pornography does not begin in his culture, but in his heart. Paul appealed to us to make sure we ‘renew the spirit of our minds’ before we put on a new behavior (Ephesians. 4:22-24).”

Ice Machine – Some people just have a gift for noticing life’s little annoyances and mysteries. This guy explains why ice machines work the way they do.

Signs of Maturity – Clint Archer offers up 5 signs of growing spiritual maturity. “Let me start by saying that it’s not wrong for a new believer to be immature any more than it’s wrong for a child to be childish. Puerility is only annoying in an adult. When a four year old dons a cape and wears his underwear over his pants, claiming x-ray vision, it’s cute. When his dad does that, it’s concerning (or certifiable). When you’ve been a believer for many years though, lack of these indicators should be concerning.”

The Media and Bullying – An important article about the media and bullying.

A Swarm of Starlings – I love this kind of video.

If Christ’s soul had experienced no punishment he would have been only a Redeemer for the body.

—John Calvin

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