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A La Carte (1/19)

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I realized something yesterday when a friend of ours from church turned 13 and on that very day opened a Facebook account. This is a new rite-of-passage, isn’t it? You turn 13 and you can get onto the world of Facebook. I wish I had thought of that when I was writing my book, because I think there’s a lot of significance to this simple fact.

Bonhoeffer and Anonymous Evangelicals – Carl Trueman read my thoughts on Bonhoeffer yesterday and in this brief article he improves upon them.

Goodbye – This is a heartbreaking letter from a mother who had to say goodbye to her daughter.

A World Without Jobs – Andy Crouch has a fantastic article about Steve Jobs and his recently-announced leave of absence. It may sound dry, but give it a read. “As remarkable as Steve Jobs is in countless ways—as a designer, an innovator, a (ruthless and demanding) leader—his most singular quality has been his ability to articulate a perfectly secular form of hope. Nothing exemplifies that ability more than Apple’s early logo, which slapped a rainbow on the very archetype of human fallenness and failure—the bitten fruit—and made it a sign of promise and progress.”

Living Life of Documenting Insignificance – Randy Alcorn writes about Twitter and other social media. “The problem isn’t just what we are doing with our time; it’s what we are NOT doing with it. Where does all the time spent on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, YouTube and television and radio actually come from? Try keeping track of the time spent on all of these for a week.”

Tree of Life – Some interesting pictures of Bahrain’s “Tree of Life.”

Where Did All the Readers Go? – That’s the question asked in this article. It’s a bit slow to start, but picks up in the middle.

God Didn’t Create a Mistake – I enjoyed this little clip from Tony Evans (HT:Z).

The Bible is the sceptre by which the heavenly King rules his church.

—John Calvin

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