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A La Carte (12/2)

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How to Shrink Your Church – Some good thoughts on church from the Huffington Post, of all places. “Pastors and churches spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year attending conferences, buying books, hiring consultants, advertisers and marketers, all to try and accomplish one thing: to increase attendance — to be a bigger church. I’m absolutely convinced this is the wrong tack.”

Free Audio – ChristianAudio has 2 books available for free this month: From Pearl Harbor to Calvary and A Christmas Carol.

What Tebow Can’t Do – An enjoyable article on the Tebow phenomenon.

Hallelujah Chorus Trainwrecks – Truly horrifying Messiah moments.

Stupid and Graceless – “Bob Costas carves the selfish idiots who make a spectacle of themselves after they do something good on the football field.”

Old age is a blessed time. It gives us leisure to put off our earthly garments one by one and dress ourselves for heaven.

—Ray Palmer

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