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A La Carte (2/13)

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There was so much goodness on the Net this weekend I’ve had trouble distilling it down to a few great links. But I gave it a shot and here are the ones that stood above the crowd.

The Queen of Sheba – “A British excavation has struck archaeological gold with a discovery that may solve the mystery of where the Queen of Sheba derived her fabled treasures.”

The Scale of the Universe – This is kind of a fun graphic that allows you to zoom WAY in and WAY out. You may find that it takes a few moments to load.

Satan May Seek to Destroy You – Paul Tautges offers a list of 20 ways that Satan may try to destroy you this week.

Books on Sale – Monergism Books has some pretty good deals at the moment. They include D.A. Carson’s brand new book along with Bibles, classics, children’s books, and more.

Guns, YouTube and Parenting – A few people have asked what I think of that YouTube video that’s been getting so much attention (where a father scolds his daughter and then takes a gun to her laptop). Phil Johnson says it well.

Anatomy of a Tear-Jerker – Why does Adele’s ‘Someone Like You’ make everyone cry? Science has found the formula.

The Tebow of the NBA – The Tim Tebow of the NBA has arrived, or so it would seem. If guys like this keep performing, we’ll be seeing a few more athletes in church!

Every genuine revelation of God has this mark upon it, that it makes him appear more glorious.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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