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A La Carte (2/21)

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Be Like Mike – Matt Smethurst writes about a recent article on Michael Jordan. “Thompson’s piece pulsates with the sense that Jordan isn’t happy. ‘I would give up everything now to go back and play the game of basketball,’ the Hall of Famer confesses. When asked how he replaces it, Jordan simply states, ‘You don’t. You learn to live with it’.”

When Sparrows Fall – Scroll down a little ways and read a mother’s grief. “My final request to all who read this blog: love. Love your babies, your husbands, mothers, sisters. Love each day like it’s your last. All you mamas out there, you have been entrusted with the precious gift of a human life who depends on you. Enjoy your gift. Breathe in the scent of your child’s hair, breath. Let them cook with you and make a mess of the kitchen…”

Don’t Waste Your Wedding – With prime wedding season fast approaching, this blog may prove a helpful resource to the prospective bride or groom. There is lots of wisdom to be found on organizing a wedding that is distinctly Christian.

25 Years of Evangelizing My Husband – There is encouragement here! “My husband is not a believer … a fact I routinely brought before the Lord and prayer partners. During our twenty-five years of marriage, I had purchased countless books and CDs with titles such as Beloved Unbeliever. Yet, my daily prayer, Please change his heart, had gone unanswered.”

Hard, But Worth It – “There is so much in this life that is hard. … it is somehow wonderfully heartening to remember that there aren’t too many things in life that are worth a whole lot that aren’t, at times, really hard. Maybe most of all, it really is worth it to follow Christ and live the way God has prescribed through His word, even when it’s incredibly hard.”

The Zombie Invasion – I guess it was a slow day on the floor of Canada’s House of Commons.

It is as impossible to understand the Scriptures without the Spirit’s help as it is to read a sundial without the sun. –Derek Prime & Alistair Begg

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