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A La Carte (2/22)

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Challenger Disaster – All these years later, some amateur video of the Challenger disaster has just turned up. “Captured in an era that precedes mobile phones, when few people owned camcorders, it’s one of few video recordings of the disaster by a member of the public.”

Never Retreat – This is a neat article from Kathleen Nielson. “Looking through a musty box of family memorabilia, I recently came upon a brittle, browned letter dated September 24, 1918, sent to his parents by my grandfather, James Oliver Buswell Jr. Grandpa B’s years as president of Wheaton College and later as professor of theology at Covenant College and Seminary were well known to me, but I hadn’t heard a lot about his experience in World War I.”

Hunting Bambi – Mark Coppenger on the Obama administration: “Where once they intervened to protect children from strange religion, they now dismiss the scruples of all believers who find the prevention or elimination of children objectionable. The government used to be aggressively pro-child; now they’re intrusively anti-child.”

Beyond the Sex Questions – Trevin Wax tells us to go beyond the sex questions. “I want to offer a pastoral look at the underlying issues that prompt these questions and encourage pastors to go for the heart, not merely the surface, when approached with questions of this kind.”

Really Close Up – Just ignore the fact that this is on the Mother Nature Network and enjoy these photographs of every day things really close up.

Epic Skies – Another amazing time lapse video. Sooner or later I’ve got to stop posting these things…

Christianity is summed up in the two facts: Christ for us and Christ in us.

—Augustus Strong

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