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A La Carte (3/25)

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What Happened to Hospitality? – “What happened to hospitality? We are a young couple who hosts a small group in our home, and many other gatherings of young families. But it seems like no one ever wants other people in their homes these days. Why is that?” Randy Alcorn answers.

Teen Treks to Everest – I’m really proud of Eli Reimer (son of my friend Justin Reimer who founded The Elisha Foundation). “A 15-year-old boy with a passion for sports and an infectious smile became the first person with Down syndrome to stand at the base camp of Mount Everest, and returned to Southern California Friday night to a jubilant welcome.”

Children Should Be Bored – “Children should be allowed to get bored so they can develop their innate ability to be creative, an education expert says.”

The Unitarian Controversy Over Polyamory – Polyamory is definitely one of the next frontiers in trying to legitimize what God forbids. Gene Veith links to an interesting article. What moral ground is left to forbid it?

A Lifelong Learner – “For the first twenty-two years or so of our lives, our main ‘job’ is learning. The bulk of our time is spent in classrooms acquiring new knowledge. And then, once we graduate, we feel like the education phase of our lives is done and now it’s time to go out into the world. Have you ever thought about how odd that idea is? That only a quarter of our lives should be devoted to learning, and then we should simply rest on our laurels for the remaining three-quarters of it?”

Journey of Grace – Marvin Olasky interviews Rosaria Butterfield who is always a fascinating interview subject.

We cannot infer from prosperity that God is pleased with us, nor can we infer from adversity that he is displeased with us.

—Wilson Benton

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