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A La Carte (4/16)

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The Problem With “Mental Illness” – David identifies a concern with the term “mental illness.” “I wish there was a word or phrase to cover the mental and emotional disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety, schizophrenia) that result from both personal sin (for which we are responsible), and personal suffering (for which we are not – or not wholly – responsible).”

An Untranslatable Word – I always look forward to Mounce’s blog posts. “Every once in a while we find a Greek word or expression that simply cannot come into English. We want to translate every word, but in some cases, no matter what you choose, you create the wrong impression of what was being said. ‘Woman’ is one of those words.”

The Gospel Changes Marriage – Erik Raymond on the gospel and marriage: “When a new leader is appointed in an organization change is inevitable. The incoming boss will set policy, establish tone, and reflect an attitude in their organization. The same is true for our marriages. The new leader I am referring to here is not a new husband but rather the true husband, The Lord Jesus Christ.”

What Can We Preach? – Colin Adams wonders what pastors can preach in the wake of the Boston bombings. “No words can describe such an act of barbarous cruelty. No language can express the sympathy we feel for those suffering its consequences. … Yet pastors need to find words. Sunday is coming and the pastor will need to have something to say. Some will choose to address the Boston bombings directly. Others will simply mention the disaster in passing. Whatever path is chosen, pastors will wrestle with the question: what can I preach?”

The Reading Brain – “E-readers and tablets are becoming more popular as such technologies improve, but research suggests that reading on paper still boasts unique advantages.”

God’s sovereignty does not negate our responsibility to pray, but rather makes it possible for us to pray with confidence.

—Jerry Bridges

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