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A La Carte (4/7)

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An Interview with Ligon Duncan
“Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III came to Australia in April 2009 as the guest speaker for the 150th Anniversary of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. This provided an opportunity to request an interview with him. Graciously, he agreed…”

The Best Prepared Award
This article explains why Canada is uniquely placed as we encounter this economic downturn. A good quote: “And the most impressive thing of all about Canada’s position is that you are probably reading about it for the first time. Canadians are so sensible they even have the sense not to brag, in case things turn out badly for them after all. “

That’s Easter
Here are two videos courtesy of St. Helen’s Bishopsgate. They are evangelistic and meant to be viewed around Easter.

Greek and Hebrews Reader’s Bible
John Dyer offers this resource which looks very helpful for students of the original languages. (HT:JT)

An Interview with William Black
This interview is very, very interesting. Bill Moyer interviews William Black who suggests that this economic crisis had its origins in the outrageous greed of a very few people and that the government is simply making it worse. And all this from a vocal Obama supporter.

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