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A La Carte (5/17)

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Daily Slogging – Ray Ortlund with a great blog post: “I am not impressed by young pastors who seem too eager to publish books and speak at big events and get noticed. They are doing the work of the Lord, and that’s good. But what impresses me is my dad’s daily slogging, year after year, in the power of the Spirit, with no big-deal-ness as the payoff.”

What’s In a Name? – I wrote a couple of days ago about hearing God speak through his Word. Here’s another article on that very thing.

Legalize Polygamy – It’s just a matter of time. Society’s got no foundation left to battle this: “The definition of marriage is plastic. Just like heterosexual marriage is no better or worse than homosexual marriage, marriage between two consenting adults is not inherently more or less ‘correct’ than marriage among three (or four, or six) consenting adults.”

One Ministry, Two Kingdoms – Here’s a helpful one from Paul Tripp: “It took God employing hardship for me to embrace the inescapable reality that everything I did in ministry was done in allegiance to, and in pursuit of, either the kingdom of self or the kingdom of God.”

$5 Friday – Ligonier’s $5 Friday has a few good items including electronic editions of Anthony Carter’s Blood Work and the print edition of R.C. Sproul’s Abortion.

The Psalms – I grew up singing a lot of the Psalms, often unaccompanied by instruments. So I feel right at home with these recordings (HT Carl Trueman). Also be sure to check out this fascinating video of Gaelic psalms.

Till men have faith in Christ, their best services are but glorious sins.

—Thomas Brooks

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