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A La Carte (5/25)

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Why Memorial Day Is Worth Remembering
Rev.Kev. tells us why Memorial Day is worth remembering.

The Climate-Industrial Complex
WSJ: “Some business leaders are cozying up with politicians and scientists to demand swift, drastic action on global warming. This is a new twist on a very old practice: companies using public policy to line their own pockets. The tight relationship between the groups echoes the relationship among weapons makers, researchers and the U.S. military during the Cold War.”

Documentary Probes Canadian Evangelism
I know Americans are accustomed to this kind of thing, but this is quite rare for Canada: a documentary that looks to Canadian evangelicalism. Unfortunately, it looks like he looked in most of the wrong places. “Evangelicals believe they have a duty to spread the gospel,” says Newman. “In the U.S., the evangelical strain has been fused with the fundamentalist strain; that isn’t true here. The evangelical movement links into many different strains in Canada. We’re a more secular country.”

De’tat’ched Attitude
Here’s an interesting repercussion of the economic downturn. “Dermatologists across the city are reporting a boom in tattoo laser removals, as body-art fanatics fretting over their professional image rush to erase their inky mistakes. ‘People can’t afford to handicap themselves be cause of a tattoo in a tight job market,’ said Dr. Jeffrey Rand, founder of the Tattoo Removal Center in Midtown. “We’re seeing a huge surge right now in people getting rid of their tattoos.”

Basics Conference Audio/Video
Audio and video of the recent Basics Conference is now available for free online. It includes both keynotes and breakouts.

India’s Massive General Election
This fascinating photo essay shares images from India’s recent general election. “An estimated 714 million voters (from a population of 1.2 billion) were eligible to cast their vote in one of five separate phases at over 800,000 polling stations, starting on April 16th. Logistically difficult, massive in scale, and opposed by various rebel groups, separatists and protestors, the elections still managed to be held with minimal disruption, with an average voter turnout of greater than 56%.”

Snuggie Review
Consumerist offers a light-hearted review of the infomerical / pop culture phenomenon the Snuggie (the blanket with sleeves).

Deal of the Day: The Cross Centered Life
Registered customers of Monergism Books will receive a 50% discount on C.J. Mahaney’s The Cross Centered Life. In order to receive discount please use coupon code “crosscentered” at checkout. Limit 1 per customer. This week only.

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