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A La Carte (5/4)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Anatomy of a Fake Quotation – This is interesting: “Yesterday, I saw a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. fly across my Twitter feed: ‘I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy.’ – Martin Luther King, J’. I was about to retweet it, but I hesitated. It didn’t sound right. After some Googling, I determined that it was probably fake, which I blogged about last night.”

Tornado Before and After – Amazing satellite photos of before and after the tornado.

Long Work vs. Hard Work – A quick but important distinction courtesy Seth Godin.

Praying For … Me – Paula Hendricks: “I thought you’d be interested in reading several prayers Nancy Leigh DeMoss has prayed for herself over and over again through the years. Then, I’d love to hear what prayer(s) you regularly pray for yourself.”

Here We Go Again – “I heard some really discouraging and sobering news the other day, and I wanted to take a break from Greek instruction to share it with you.” This is an important article from Bill Mounce.

Fed Up With the Fed – I enjoyed Sowell’s look at some of the evasive phrases used by politicians. Because “when people in Washington start creating fancy new phrases instead of using plain English, you know they are doing something they don’t want us to understand.”

Dead Authors on Twitter – Results vary a lot, but some of these Twitter accounts from long-deceased authors are pretty funny (or clever or…).

There are times when God asks nothing of his children except silence, patience and tears.

—Charles Seymour Robinson

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