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A La Carte (5/7)

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Are Christians Overemphasizing Cultural Renewal?
Following my review of Unfashionable Christianity Today asks “a question for Christian leaders (whether in the church or elsewhere): have you found the recent Christian emphasis on “building for the kingdom” and cultural renewal to detract from evangelism? Or is it actually helping to “reach souls”?”

Shepherd Press Newsletter
Shepherd Press offers a free weekly newsletter you may like to subscribe to. “Each issue contains an article that is of importance to you and your family. Usually you will find articles about current news events as well as other pertinent issues that matter to you and your family. The idea is to show the Bible’s relevancy for every area of life, and then further, to help you talk with your children about these issues.”

Girls Gone Wise
Girls Gone Wise is a new site headed up by Mary Kassian: an award winning author, internationally renowned speaker, and a distinguished professor at Southern Baptist Seminary. (HT:CM)

Piper on Physical Protection
From This Momentary Marriage: “If there is a sound downstairs during the night and it might be a burglar, you don’t say to her, ‘This is an egalitarian marriage, so it’s your turn to go check it out. I went last time.’ And I mean that-even if your wife has a black belt in karate. After you’ve tried to deter him, she may finish off the burglar with one good kick to the solar plexus. But you’d better be unconscious on the floor, or you’re no man.”

20 Minutes to Change Your Marriage
“I was sitting through a seminar the other night and the speaker, Davis Carman, made a statement that has had me think a lot. He said that there is a crucial 20 minutes of a man’s day that can really bless his wife and change his marriage.”

Adopted for Life
RHB is offering Adopted for Life, a new book from Russell Moore, at a significant discount. It is “A stirring call to Christian families and churches to be a people who care for orphans, not just in word, but in deed.”

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    When Christians Disagree

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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 23)

    A La Carte: Connection and commitment / When your mind gets stuck / Prayer postures in the Bible / Fading with age / Does God care about how I work? / 7 essential things to know about God’s holiness / and more.