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A La Carte (5/9)

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I spent a lot of time reading this weekend. Reading on the Internet, that is. And now when it comes to A La Carte I find that I’ve got about 100 articles bookmarked. Well, 20 or 30 anyway. So let me see if I can make up an interesting mix that reflects the eclectic nature of what I was reading.

Books About Heaven and Hell – Randy Alcorn has written an article on 90 Minutes in Heaven, Heaven Is Real and other books in that “been to heaven (or hell)” genre.

A Surprising Way to Love Your Wife – Here’s a must-read article for the husbands out there. Wives, if you want your husband to read it, just print it off and tell him that I said he’d enjoy it.

Shakespeare, Aesop or KJV? – A quiz that is more difficult than you might think.

My Husband’s Other Wife – I found this a moving article. “Shortly after my husband John and I were married, on a day he was at work and I was home moving my things into his house, I opened a cardboard box in the attic. It was filled with photos of his other married life, the one he’d had with his first wife, Robin Goldstein. She was 28 when they got married, and six months later she was diagnosed with breast cancer. My husband was nursing her at home when she died just after her 34th birthday. The box contained wedding photos, honeymoon photos, and random snapshots of parties and birthdays.”

7 Thoughts – Douglas Wilson offers 7 thoughts on the assassination of Osama Bin Laden. This is very good and helpful stuff.

Lessons from the Coverage – Speaking of Bin Laden, this site looks at the way the news exploded into the world and shows the kind of challenge this presents to old media.

Creepy and Cool – Z says this is the creepiest and coolest thing he’s seen in a long time. I’d tend to agree. It makes me think we’ve been wasting our kids’ kindergarten years.

The Lord knows I go up this ladder [to be hung as a martyr] with less fear, confusion or perturbation of mind than ever I entered a pulpit to preach.

—Donald Cargill

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