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A La Carte (6/13)

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Last week James MacDonald went off on congregationalism, stating that congregational government is from Satan. This has prompted a couple of useful, measured responses. Denny Burk draws a line between a form of government always being used by Satan and sometimes being used by Satan. He also shows that MacDonald’s argument is driven more by pragmatics than by Scripture. 9Marks goes with a similar line of reasoning, showing that this form of government can be used by Satan, but won’t always be.

Anointing with Oil – Brian Croft asks whether pastors should still anoint with oil when praying for those who are sick.

A Visual Prayer – Last week I mentioned the film The Tree of Life. Here is an article from WORLD magazine which interacts with it. “The nonlinear nature feels uncomfortable at times. But as the credits roll, you feel full, satisfied, as after a symphony, a visit to a particularly good museum, or after listening to a pipe organ while gazing at the light streaming through stained glass windows.”

Revolutionizing Education – This infographic shows some ways in which the Internet is revolutionizing education.

Misused Words – Top ten misused English words.

eBook Anthologies – Monergism has some ebook anthologies worth looking at. They take a particular biblical/theological topic and aggregate a bunch of resources on that topic, selling the resulting ebook at a great price.

The Palin Feeding Frenzy – Gene Veith writes about the Palin emails and points out “here is the irony. What has emerged so far from the e-mails is that Palin comes off as a pretty good governor.” Even some mainstream media outlets are agreeing. So far I’ve read exactly 0 of them.

Feeding Frenzy – Speaking of Sarah Palin and her emails, here is a visual representation of the media waiting for the release of those emails.

The Christian’s life should put his minister’s sermon in print.

—William Gurnall

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