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A La Carte (7/11)

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Seeking to Reveal the Unseen – I enjoyed this interview with Randy Alcorn. He talks about his average day, his philosophy of writing, and so on. He’s another one of these guys who manages to be productive long after most of us have become comatose.

Beeke Blog – Joel Beeke has hit the blogosophere at

Government Laser Scanners – What used to be the realm of science fiction is increasingly becoming real. “Within the next year or two, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will instantly know everything about your body, clothes, and luggage with a new laser-based molecular scanner fired from 164 feet (50 meters) away. From traces of drugs or gun powder on your clothes to what you had for breakfast to the adrenaline level in your body—agents will be able to get any information they want without even touching you.”

R.C. Sproul on Miracles – “I get this question all the time, ‘R.C., do you believe that miracles happen today?’ If you want me to give the simple answer, the answer is no.” But there’s more to the story than that, of course.

Jobs Versus Net Jobs – “One of the reasons for the popularity of political rhetoric is that everybody can be right, in terms of their own rhetoric, no matter how much the rhetoric of one side contradicts that of the other side.” Thomas Sowell looks at common political parlance surrounding jobs and net jobs.

The Daily Gospel – Rapper Timothy Brindle has a new album coming out in a couple of weeks. You can download one of the singles, “The Daily Gospel,” for free.

How to Write a Country Song – You’ll enjoy this.

It is the mark of a hyprocrite to be a Christian everywhere except at home.

—Robert Murray M’Cheyne

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