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A La Carte (7/2)

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The Alone Zone – Michael Hyatt shares wisdom on creating an “alone zone.”

Free Audio Book – This month’s free audio book from ChristianAudio is The Pursuit of God by Tozer. It’s only 3 hours in length, so ideal for that drive to the lake or campground.

Pastoring Women – Thabiti has a roundup of the articles from the latest 9Marks eJournal which deals with pastoring women. He writes “Ladies, be sure to forward the link to your pastors along with a note of appreciation, encouragement, or prayer for the Lord’s use of them to care for you and other ladies.”

Family Unplugged – This article from the Covenant Eyes blog covers a few of the challenges that come to the family in this hyper-wired digital society. “Is technology enhancing or inhibiting our ability to relate to one another? Some scientists believe our wired culture is changing the way we think and behave–and we may be paying too high a price in the relationships that matter most to us.”

Jonathan as CJ – Jonathan Rourke does a great CJ impersonation at the recent Resolved Conference. (HT:JH)

Jonathan Rourke as CJ Mahaney from Resolved on Vimeo.

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