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A La Carte (7/5)

A La Carte Collection cover image

It was quite a quiet day in the blogosphere yesterday. You’d almost think that all of America was distracted or busy doing more important things. Nevertheless, here are a few interesting links I picked up along the way.

The MillennialsThe Millennials by Thom Rainer and Jess Rainer is this month’s free audio book from ChristianAudio. It’s yours for the taking.

Think Positive – “The Rev. Robert H. Schuller, who started his ministry in an Orange drive-in theater more than five decades ago, has been voted off the board of Crystal Cathedral Ministries, which has been torn apart by debt and familial disharmony for the last several years.”

When to Start Giving – I always enjoy reading articles that present issues the Bible speaks about from a secular worldview. In this case, discusses when you ought to consider giving money to charitable causes. There is a fully secular worldview in full view here.

Dignified Translations – Andy has a list of particularly difficult passages to translate. These are the kind of passages that best align with English phrases that we don’t want to see in our Bibles!

Politics vs Reality – Thomas Sowell: “It is hard to understand politics if you are hung up on reality. Politicians leave reality to others. What matters in politics is what you can get the voters to believe, whether it bears any resemblance to reality or not.” His later jabs on the Canadian health care system seem slightly over the top, but the point of his article remains a good one.

Ocean Sky – I never get tired of these.

Christ and we will never be one until we and our sin are two.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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