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A La Carte (8/10)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Beer, Bohemianism and True Christian Liberty – John MacArthur continues his series to the Young, Restless and Reformed crowd: “If everything you know about Christian living came from blogs and websites in the young-and-restless district of the Reformed community, you might have the impression that beer is the principal symbol of Christian liberty.”

Students Love Technology – “Is the idea that students love technology surprising? No, but this infographic sheds a little light on this gadget-addicted generation.”

Enough About Us Already – “‘They like you,’ according to Christianity Today‘s latest cover story (August 2011), by Bradley R. E. Wright, a University of Connecticut sociologist. Wright challenges the alarmist rhetoric of some in recent years who have created the impression that our fellow Americans hate us and we need a public relations makeover. Taking issue with George Barna among others, he argues that we have a persecution complex-or at least an almost pathological need to be loved.”

What You Are Against – “I spent a brief portion of my pastoral ministry under an ‘angry prophet.’ You know… ‘that guy.’He’s the preacher-pastor who somehow finds his way to the kindling and accelerant in every sermon, or writing project. The ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic’ is on a loop in the background of his life. I loved the gentlemen and still do. He loved Jesus Christ and still does. He was well intended. I learned an awful lot from his ministry and am grateful for almost all of it. But, some things I have had to unlearn.”

The Wrong Body Language – I found this gallery of body language kind of interesting.

Joshua Tree Under the Milky Way – I love these stop motion videos.

The saint most ripe for heaven is the most aware of his own shortcomings.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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