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A La Carte (8/10)

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Taking Charge of Television
Randy Alcorn: “With summer here, and kids out of school, many Christians, and especially those who are parents, might be wondering: How do I take charge of the television? The fact is, you and your children will inevitably adopt the morality of the programs, movies, books, magazines, music, Internet sites, and conversations you participate in. GIGO–garbage in, garbage out; godliness in, godliness out. The cognitive is basic to the behavioral–you become what you choose to feed your mind on.”

Dr. Mohler writes about polyamory, a necessary consequence of our society’s widespread acceptance of homosexual marriage.

Nigeria’s Online Scammers
I linked to a similar article a short while ago. This one also deals with those online scammers, largely from Africa, who try to bilk you out of your money with promises of great wealth. “I’m selling greed,” said Felix, 29, an e-mail swindler. “You didn’t apply for any lotto, and all of a sudden you just see a mail in your mailbox that you’re going to win money? That means you have to be greedy.”

Crazy Contract Clauses
If you’re a baseball fan, you may enjoy this article, outlining some of baseball’s stranger contract clauses. My favorite is the guy whose contracted included a bulldozer if he won a World Series game.

The World’s Cleverest Bird
It took humans a long time to figure out the principle that this bird seems to understand!

Deal of the Day at Monergism Books
Monergism Books has a few titles on sale while supplies last: The Fracture of Faith: Recovering the Belief of the Gospel in a Postmodern World by Douglas Vickers 50% off; Life’s Ultimate Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy by Ronald Nash 50% off; Shared Life: The Trinity and the Fellowship of God’s People by Donald Macleod 69% off.

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