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A La Carte (8/17)

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Gold Box – Just about every day I check Amazon’s gold box deal just to see what’s there. 99% of the time I’ve got no interest in what they are offering, but today’s deal looks like a really good one. It’s a Milwaukee M12 12-Volt Cordless Drill and Fork Meter Combo Kit for $139 off the regular price. While on the subject of deals, Westminster Books has the Gospel Coalition series of booklets discounted this week.

Democrats and Universities – Here’s an infographic asking why Democrats outnumber Republicans in the academy. “Some argue that the lack of diversity among professors leads to an unbalanced and one-sided education, while others argue that conservatives self-select themselves out of this liberal profession. We dived into this issue, and the research suggests that this might not be an either-or situation.”

Adam and Eve – NPR recently did a story on the existence of a historical Adam and Eve. I’ve said often that this may well be the big theological challenge we will find ourselves facing over the next few years. There are many people, even those who consider themselves evangelical, who want to deny that Adam and Eve ever existed.

The Male Gossip – I found this article challenging. “Close your eyes and picture a gossip. Whom do you see? I see a cluster of spinsters in old lace gloves sweetly spitting vitriol over tea. Perhaps I read too much Agatha Christie. But even if you don’t have visions of British spinsters, your vision is most likely female. Am I right? Counter to our preconceived notions, in my (unfortunate) experience there are just as many male gossips as female gossips.”

Bored with Social Media – This is interesting but not surprising to me: “A key group of young users of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube users are using the site less and less, according to new research. One in four 18-29 year-olds told Gartner that their use of social media had declined since they signed up, with many citing boredom as their reason for the decline.”

Guarding Your Soul – I was recently a guest on the Haven Today radio program. If you listen in, you’ll hear me talking about guarding your soul in a digital age.

Depression – Yesterday I posted a review of David Murray’s book on depression. Here’s a short video in which he discusses depression.

Hope is the only tie which keeps the heart from breaking.

—Thomas Fuller

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