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A La Carte (8/17)

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We Will Care for Any Baby
“Last weekend an Atlanta pastor made a promise that stunned his congregation and most of the people who heard it. In a speech that discussed abortion, the President, and the sanctity of life, the most provocative statement from Pastor Vic Pentz of Peachtree Presbyterian Church came towards sermon’s end: ‘I make a promise to you now and I don’t want you to keep this a secret,’ the pastor pronounced, ‘the Peachtree Presbyterian Church will care for any newborn baby you bring to this church…’”

I Refuse To Be Bored
Jollyblogger on Ben Franklin and boredom: “The experience of ‘boredom’ says far more about the one claiming to be bored than about the speaker, the event or whatever the alleged cause of the boredom. “

Pray the Bible
Be sure to take a look at this new site. “The aim of the online publication of this ‘old-made-new’ monograph is to assist and encourage modern Christians in both public and private prayer.”

JC is not PC
John MacArthur is a guest voice in the Washington Post’s “On Faith” column. “Let’s be brutally honest: most of Jesus’ teaching is completely out of sync with the mores that dominate our culture.”

Office Hours: A Podcast
Office Hours is a new podcast that comes courtesy of Westminster Seminary in California. “Season I of Office Hours introduces you to the faculty of WSC through personal, 30-minute interviews, discussing biblical and exegetical questions, historical and theological questions, pastoral matters, and Christian living. “

Redeemer Seeks New President
Redeemer College in Ancaster, Ontario, is seeking a new President. Information at the link for those interested.

Deal of the Day: Banner of Truth Sale
For a limited time, Monergism has reduced the prices on all of their Banner of Truth titles to the lowest you’ll find anywhere online.

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